Architecture & Interior Design

At the intersection of innovation and sustainability, our architecture and design studio is dedicated to creating spaces that not only meet contemporary needs but also anticipate future demands. Our core focus is on sustainability, contemporary and parametric design, ensuring that each project we undertake is as unique and forward-thinking as it is environmentally responsible.

Specialized Design

We love complex geometry, digital fabrication, parametric design and prototyping. We developed projects for automotive companies, acoustic companies and art field. So, if you need a geek collaborator who finds creative solutions aplicable in real life, give us a call.

Furniture & Object Design

In the last 10 years we grew our experince in the field object design. This means designing objects at different scales and also find the best ways for producting them.

Using parametric tools, we explore a wide range of design solutions, iterating and refining until we find the optimal balance between form, function, and sustainability.