Sisters Cafe Graphics

‘Overlap’ is the visual project created  for Sisters Cafe. In the last years the coffee house became a social catalyst for the city of Cluj-Napoca, a place where everybody is meeting everybody and are telling thier own story.The project was born at the fusion point between interior architecture, illustration, object design and painting and in the end it is part of a bigger concept that reshapes the entire space, created by our team from Prototip Studio. In a place where realitites are blending, I imagined people as bubbles of colors that overlap each other and find a common ground for stories, interractions, friendships. Humans are colors that transform each other when they overlap.

Location: Cluj-Napoca/ Romania

Year: 2020 

Team: Ioana Goția-Ciurea

Client: Sisters Cafe

Photos: Ainhoa Morales


OO Eyewear


Wave Amplifyer