Flow Bench @ MB Dental

Our moves are fluid, dynamic, sensual. Our walk is rhythmic, as our breath and heart beats are. 

Our bodies are made to move  and therefore the space is taking the shape of new body that knows how to hug us, how to support and complement us in a delicate way.

The Flow bench is inspired by the subtle movements and positions that our bodies have.

The segments that build the entire object are frames that together describe a movement, that are telling a story about how space and time are continuously transited by our bodies, by our realities.

The wall becomes an object, the object becomes a bench, the bench becomes a sculpture.

Location: Cluj-Napoca/ Romania

Year: 2019

Team: Ioana Goția-Ciurea/ Bogdan Goția/ Mihai Veg

Client: MB Dental Clinic

Collaborators: fabricad.ro

Photos: Ioana Goția-Ciurea/ Alexandra Buraga

