Giant Steps @ Jazz in the park

A gate frames a festival, and is the bridge between two atmospheres. Giant Steps departs from the classical idea of ​​the gate, fulfilling its function by revealing rather than framing, and uses the movement of the audience on several levels as a method of perceiving the transition from “the everyday” to the festival atmosphere. 

The topography of the park is flat, and does not allow perspectives from a higher point. Giant Steps (yes, inspired by the archi-famous jazz album) invites the public to discover Jazz in the Park by moving, looking and sitting at other heights.The audience has a much more present interaction with the object in front of them, departing gradually from the known context, and become introduced to the festival atmosphere, by climbing and descending on an object. 

The Giant Steps offer the freedom to choose whether to go under or over the gate. From the side, the geometry of the installation looks like a rising and falling sound wave. Like the original intention of the park as a place of promenade, depth and visual impact is given by symmetry and length. Through this intervention, the perspective from the end of the park is a view that ends up being revealed, and seen from a new height.

Location: Cluj-Napoca/ Romania

Year: 2019

Team: Ioana Goția-Ciurea/ Bogdan Goția/ Mihai Veg / Andreea Samoilă

Client: Jazz in the Park

Photos: Vlad Cupșa


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